Sunday, April 3, 2011

vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone produced when sunlight hits your skin. It has lots of effects on the body from strengthening your bones and muscles to protect us against cancer.  The low of Vitamin D effects on all ages and all types of human; pregnant women should have her vitamin D levelled  to get pregnant or to save her baby because the lower her vitamin D ,the higher her risk to get pregnant or to lose the baby or  developing  more diabetes.
For the babies some of them are being born with lower bone mass and low calcium. Doctors should be measuring vitamin D levels in all pregnant women to make sure the baby and the mother are safe.
After what I read before I understood that vitamin D plays an important role in our body, so we can’t ignore it but we have to safe our body from all the risks .Am going to give a simple example about myself; am a girl I wear a scarf and all my body is covered so I can’t get plenty of vitamin D;   because am always covered but am taking vitamin D tablets and folic acid and am eating healthy food that helps aswell ,so am trying to protect myself from cancer and developing diabetes.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.

At 8.30 PM, 26 March 2011 lights go off for Earth Hour. This year for the first time i turned off the lights and i light up a candle i got  it from TAFE ,i cant imagine if every person does that how much electricity will be saved to protect our planet..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentine's Day

Every February 14, across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine Real love stories never have endings
This year me and my husband celebrated like every year we got gifts for each others and we went out for a dinner and i got a small cake aswell and i got him perfum and he got me a digital camera and a stero for my ipod .we enjoyed our night and we had fun ,really it was a lovely day and night and i hope everyone enjoyed it like us ,because real love never ends ......

my little story about lebanon !!

The Lebanese Republic is a small, mostly mountainous country in Western Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. A small country with a population of approximately four million, .The flag of Lebanon features a cedar in green against a white backdrop, bounded by two horizontal red stripes along the top and bottom... There are millions people of Lebanese descent spread all over the world, Brazil hosting the largest Lebanese community. However, Australia, Canada,  Mexico and Venezuela also have the large Lebanese communities.
Lebanon is a very beautifull country whatever hot or cold weather u can enjoy urself ,if its hot  summer the beach is waiting for u and if its cold winter the icey mountains are also waiting for people to enjoy themselves ,and they not far its a really nice view.
Thats my little story and if you are really interseted to know more about lebanon u can google it and read more and more about lebanon ..

hey iam back :) welcome 2011

hey my name is batoul saad .Iam 20 years old .Iam from lebanon .I've been in australia for 2 and a half year , i live with my husband and my parents in law , i came here to study aswell so iam doing this course to move on and do different courses and to continue what i done at lebanon my graphic desgin course because i love art and interior desgin and stuff like that so i hope everything goes alright ....